Welcome to the 2025 Coryell County Youth Fair Online Entry
To avoid paying more than 1 Parent Membership Fee - Choose “Quick Group”
1. On-line Entry for Exhibitors: Only Coryell County Youth Fair Participants are allowed to enter online orders.
2. Click on “Sign -In” in the upper right hand Corner (Please Record and Keep Your User Name & Password)
3. If you are entering entries for multiple members in one family or group, Choose “Quick Group” (if not entering a quick group, Skip to Step 7).
a. -Type in your “Group Name”
b. -Choose “I am a new group”
c. -Click “Continue”
4. Fill in the required information
a. -Click “Continue”
b. -Make sure information is correct, then “Continue”
5. Click on “Begin adding Exhibitors and entries”
6. Proceed and follow steps 7-17 to finish
7. If you are setting up an Individual Exhibitor, Choose “Exhibitor”
a. -Type your name
b. -Choose “I am a new exhibitor or Have yet to register this year”
c. -Click “Continue”
8. Fill in your information
a. -Click “Continue”
b. -Make sure information is correct, then “Continue”
c. -If not Click “Edit Information”, Update the Information, once “Information is Correct, ”Continue”
9. Complete your Entries
a. -Choose a Department (i.e. Angora, Art, Baked Goods, Cattle, Goats, Handi-Craft, etc.)
b. -Choose a Division in the selected Department
c. -Fill in the information that is Required ( * = required information)
10. If you have more entries, click on “Add a different Entry”
11. If you have completed your entries click “Continue”
12. Exhibitor & Parent Memberships - Each Order must have 1 Exhibitor Membership Fee included in their order as well as 1 Parent Membership Fee (Only 1 Parent fee per Family is required), click “Continue”
13. Once all orders are entered, click “Check Out”
14. If you are in a Quick Group and you have other exhibitors, click “Add entries for different exhibitor”
15. Click “Pay Later” or “Pay Now”
16. Review the entry or entries
a. -Follow on screen prompt, type “Yes”
b. -Click “Submit”
17. Print a copy of the online order, enter your email address and click “Print Detailed Receipt”
18. Click “Finish”